Overall I felt like this was a good week for me. I had minor aches and pains, but I think I am healing and should be able to resume training this week. (Albeit with less miles and NO speed work- I'll wait a few weeks or a month until I add that in). Here's what my week looked like...
IT Band/Shin Rehab, 30 min. 100 workout, 15 min. The 100 workout was a fun change! I didn't do the running on this and instead did 10 full sit ups. I wanted to make sure my legs were fully recovered from
the race the previous Saturday, so I took an extra rest day. Here is what I did for the 100 workout:
100 Jumping Jacks
90 crunches
80 squats
70 leg lifts
60 jumping jacks
50 crunches
40 squats
30 leg lifts
20 jumping jacks
10 minutes of running
Tuesday: 3.08 miles at 8:45 pace/mile. Ran with Jami and felt great. Minimal tenderness in my shin. I was also annoyed that the Biggest Loser wasn't on. Booooooo to the State of the Union addresss! (I'm joking here. Kind of).
Wednesday AM: IT Band/Shin Rehab, 30 minutes.
Wednesday PM: Elliptical, 30 min, Resistance program 3. 1 mile walk at 4.2 on TM.
Thursday: 3.08 miles at 8:40 pace/mile. Ran by myself- NO PAIN!!!!!!! YAY!!!!
Friday: Elliptical, 30 min. Walked .79 miles at a 4 on the TM. Kids. It's practically impossible to workout while they are around. This workout was so interrupted and finally I just quit on the treadmill. Ridiculous. Note to self: 6 kids and a workout doesn't mix.
Saturday: 4.2 miles at 8:43 pace/mile. Ran with Jami and Breona. It was entirely too short for a long run! I can't wait until I can work back up to 10+ on the weekends again. I miss it so much. And while I'm talking about it, I really miss running fast. A LOT.
Last Week's Goal: Nice and easy on the running. I said I didn't want to go more than 3 miles, but I was feeling so good that I felt like it was okay to push it up just one more mile on Saturday. I ran easy pace wise and felt good. I feel like I'm strong enough that I can start working back into things. I can for sure keep running 3-4 days per week.
This Week's Goal: Keep up the cross training and strength training. I am on a roll with cross training and I want to keep it up!
I am reading
Run Less, Run Faster, and I have decided to train with their "3 plus 2" program for the Ogden Marathon in May. (3 days of running and 2 days of approved cross training- swim, cycle, rowing). I feel like it will help me get through the marathon training without injury (hopefully!) and if it makes me faster, that would just be an added bonus.
I love to run fast, but I love just being able to run more than anything.
Considering that Ogden is at the beginning of my race season, I want to be able to get through the marathon healthy so I can continue on racing this summer. Wasatch Back is less than a month after the marathon, so it is very important to me that I run SMART.
Favorite part about your workout week?
Pain free run, and cross training on the elliptical with Audra on Wednesday night. Friends make everything better.
Also! I returned the Brooks Cadence running shoes (sad face) and bought some New Balance stability trainers. I ended up with a refund of $10.69. I also paid my friend Whitney $35 for the
Dirty Dash 5K that we will be running together in June.
That brings my RUNNING total to $405.78. Yikes.