Monday, November 21, 2011

WINNER and Weekly RUNdown

I could not be more excited for the giveaway winner of the Aspaeris Pivot Shorts!  Each comment that you made on my blog during the week counted as an entry (as long as you did the mandatory entry as well), so regular readers had multiple entries :).  The WINNER is none other than one of my favorite people in the universe-

"Confession: Sometimes I don't drink any water w dinner so there is more room for FOOOOOOOOOD!" 

Thank you to all who entered! If you didn't win, I would definitely look into buying some compression shorts for your overall running and fitness health.

On to the regularly scheduled program:  My Weekly RUNdown

The holiday excitement has hit full force at my house this week.  Besides that, I was out of town for a wedding Thursday through Saturday so it messed up my normal running routine.  I only made it for 3 runs this week and ended up missing my long run.  It's my own fault.  I chose sleep and shopping over sweating.  I should regret it, but I don't.  I plan on hitting things hard this week to make up for it.  Plus, for the first time in weeks, my legs actually feel good!

Monday:  Hills with Mindy.  5 miles (260 ft. gain) 9:10 pace.
Tuesday AM:  Yassos!  4 sets: 3:10, 3:11, 3:18, 3:14.  Ran on a real track at the high school and enjoyed every step!  So much smoother to run on than the track I've been using.  5 miles total.
Tuesday PM:  IT Band strength training- glutes, hips, quads, and calves 1 hour.
Friday:  5 miles on the Tread Mill- 8:12 pace.  Alternated between running somewhere between 8.5 and 10 and then recovering on a 7.  Running inside is HOT!  Sex and the City kept me company though and that was good times.  I still would have preferred to run outside.

Last Week's Goal:  Strength train twice a week.  FAIL.  I did do it once, though!  I worked out during the Biggest Loser and that helped with my motivation.  Plus I actually did something rather than sit on the couch and eat junk food.  (Why that usually happens to me during that show I don't know, but it does).

This Week's Goal:  Strength train twice a week.  I have a feeling this might have to be one of my goals for a few weeks in a row.  The good news is that there are going to be 2 episodes of the Biggest Loser this week (Tuesday and Wednesday) so I think my chances of hitting my goal this week are good :)

How was your week?  I want to hear about it!  Besides race reports, this is my favorite part about blogs- hearing about YOUR workouts.


kalie said...

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH! I'm so excited! Mostly because it means I get to see you to get my prize. BOO to the YA. ;)

So, guess who accidentally ran 10+ miles on Saturday? Me, that's who. Mindy and I set out for 8 and 2.5 miles plus we were like, WHAT!? My Garmin was dead and so we were guessing. Eeeesh.

Amy @ Run Mom Run said...

I cannot watch biggest loser without stuffing my face. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who does that.

I am SO HAPPY that Kalie won! I entered because I saw how badly she wanted them and I was going to give them to her if I happened to win.

Sounds like you had a fun this week!

Rachelle Wardle said...

So sad I didn't win the giveaway.:(

I had an awesome speedworkout today that gave me a teeny bit of faith that I may be able to run my 5k without dying on Thursday. We shall see.

Awesome worksouts for the week and good luck with your can do it!! :):)

Courtney said...

i'm with you on the goal for more strength training. MUST start incorporating!

Julia said...

yeah! i still think you totally rocked it this week! i struggled some running-wise last week but i know i have been pushing myself really hard so the taper is here just in time :) have a great week sweet friend! miss you!

Jamie said...

I would love to try these compression shorts, I might need to ask for them for my birthday... in March.

I have been injured so today was a good day since I did 40 minutes on the stationary bike and then 1 mile on the treadmill alternating between walking and running every .1 miles. Yesterday, I went for a 2 mile walk with my husband and our dog.

Cory Reese said...

Our family loves watching Biggest Loser too.

I have gone more than a week doing absolutely nothing. I don't remember the last time I went that long. It has been glorious but I'm ready to get back at it.

Nice job on the Yassos!