Friday, June 3, 2011


Race tomorrow!!!
I'll be running the Dirty Dash 5K at Soldier Hollow with 4 of my favorite friends, and I can't wait! The course will involve this:
Several obstacles, all of which involve a lot of mud. The obstacle that isn't mentioned? THE HUSBAND. I'm certain he will be parked by the water balloon area to nail me if he can.

I have a secret to tell you.... I hate dirt. And I'm talking HATE hate. I've tried to avoid camping with my kids because dirt and kids is literally my worst NIGHTMARE.

Don't tell my team!

So, in order to fool them, I'm hoping to come out of the race looking something like this:
How's that for a race goal?!

Another thing that I'm really excited about is that my oldest munchkin is going to be participating in his first race! He was a little bummed that he doesn't get to ride his bike through the course, but I convinced him to run by bribing him with a snow cone from The Spot afterwards.

I can't believe I even had to bribe him at all. I mean, for real, this kid has to go camping without me so that he can be his true self- as evidenced in the picture below.

Do you have a race this weekend?

1 comment:

MotherRunner said...

Race sounds awesome! I really wanted to do the Warrior Dash, but it's the same day as the Fox Citis Marathon, which I just can't miss.

No races for me this weekend - I'm only cleared for 15 minutes of running... I guess I could do a two mile race.. ;)

Good luck today!